My New Advocacy: Support for Victims of Narcissistic Abuse

Photo by Nattu Adnan

Good morning, Friends.

Today I decided to support people who have experienced narcissistic abuse.

It’s a good goal to have, a worthwhile goal. I hope I can use my blogs to help spread information regarding this societal disease.

May God bless us all.

Thank you so much for all the Likes and the Follows. I really appreciate them. I will take time to visit your blogs. The internet connection where I live is too poor for surfing most of the time, deswegen.

Have a great day!

To Live Is In The Now. Live, Now.

Living On After All Is Lost.

When I finally recognized that the only choice left is the living in the now, my vision became clearer.

Regretting didn’t make sense when all I did in the past was my best and was for the best, in the best ways possible, both in the eyes of humans and the Divine.

Before God all the people of the earth, high or low, are like smoke that disappears, like a vapor that quickly vanishes away.

Psalms 62:9a. (TPT)

From the unknown, then through a short bleep of life, then on to the unknown again, this is how living is.

How can I even trust the visions of this consciousness when it has not saved me at all from avoidable disasters? Wondering what comes next after this lifetime is similar to wondering where I was before I was born. Living for that unknown future could be another trick played on me by my consciousness. It’s burdensome.

Let Heaven exist, as the Divine wills. Let it welcome those who will get into it. But as for me, there is the now that I live in. As the Divine wills.

Starting anew is exhilirating when one has courage. It’s like a birdling’s first flight-launch, or a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon, or a baby fish’s first swim.

When we were born as babies we were blessed with a million-fold possibilities. We could grow up into ANY-HUMAN with our full potentials realized. But the burdens of this world imposed on us with or without our consent weighs us down, impedes our impetus, burns out our routes, traps us in.

When I finally recognized that the only choice left is the living in the now, my vision became clearer. I saw, at last, that it’s possible to be reborn several times within one’s lifetime.

Little Fella

Hello there, little fella. How is your morning? Welcome. Share with me this little space around these little happy flowers. Are you eating your breakfast, little one? I hope you won’t let me disturb you. Please have your fill. Stay long enough for me to take a pretty picture of you. You brought me happiness this day, staying still with me like this. Thank you for sharing this peace with me, for not fluttering away despite my proximity, for letting me greet you sufficiently. Thank you for your wonder, for your big courage in such a tiny body. Thank you for letting me stay here and look at you. May God bless you. May God bless me. May God bless us all. Amen.

The little brown flying wonder (a moth? a butterfly?) and I, greeting each other.

Congratulations on Your Newly Found Freedom

Have you recently claimed your freedom, in whatever size, shape or form specific to your existence? I celebrate for you, congratulate you, and am very happy for you. The universe rejoices for you. You, indeed, are stuff that stars are made of. You have rightfully taken your place amongst creation. You have finally acknowledged your right to be here—to exist, to flourish, to thrive, to be.

Start to be happy from now on. Start to breathe the healthy breaths of a free creature, the inrushing of air that reaches to the depths and inner recesses of your delicate lungs. The kind that supports the total swoosh of life-providing blood flowing through all the tissues of your delicate body.

Delicate child of the Creator, your life’s blood rejoices at your freedom. You have acknowledged your existence. Existence has acknowledged you. You belong to the general scheme of interrelated things. Take the place reserved for you since the beginning of time. Anything is now possible for you and your lovely soul. You are.

Step out into the open air and let the clear sunshine guide the paths that your thoughts will now take. Let no shadow daunt you again. Let the shadows of fear and insecurities flee from the sound of your approach. Evil intents cannot exist side by side with you. Sinister thoughts will feel shame at being associated with your truths.

You belong to the sun and the moon and the sky of the myriad stars. The howl of the wolves and the roar of the lions welcome you in the vast spaces of privileged movement—you have become true brothers and sisters, children of free provisions, blessed siblings throughout time immemorial.

You are dearly beloved, oh child of the Creator. All that have life in them embrace you. You belong. Take your rightful free space. Congratulations!

Such a Journey

A very long journey.

I feel aged, at the same time very young.

I have seen much, and I know so little.

I have scars to show, and I look forward to more healings.

I am vulnerable, and I have built a strong fortress about me.

I have been conquered, and I will conquer.

These new paths I encounter must

not cower me. Though I am overwhelmed

by new things, I must take my awe in

stride. New things do overwhelm. Others

have gone unscathed before me. I am

made of resilient stuff, bending along the

directions of forces that should forge me.

For these forces are God-sent, their

designs not to harm me but to strengthen


(written 15th July 2002 and still very true today)


Photo by Simon Berger on

Man lives in a very short time frame.

He measures it with a blink of an eye,

a cycle of the moon,

an appearance of a

gray hair.

That’s why he frets

about what he wants most but is not able to see:


Tiny sand grains carried by water currents don’t

seem to affect river stones,

yet they grind the stones

into soft gentle curves.

So does how each thought,


and action

of every human being


his kind’s history.

(composed 2002)

I Wait For My Sabbath

It is noisy

and I’m waiting for the Sabbath.

Green things spring out of the Earth

                to breathe of the cool air;

iron sheets are resounding drums of pounding droplets,              

                but the radio drowns them out.

For many hours I am cooped up in a basket

and as I glance at the window I glimpse at vitality.

In my dreams I see ribbons of dreams wafting through

                the solemn stillness of the night shadows.

                The trees outside stand guard to the holiness of the hour

                while I shuffle my feet catching up with the lateness of work.

Every day I wait for my Sabbath.

I will share it with the old man pushing the sluggish cart

                in the muddy market.

                It will silence the wailing in my ears

                                and the groaning in my neighbor’s heart.

                It will snuff out the greediness of my world.

(composed 3rd week of July 1997)

The Irony of Unlikely Friendships, or so

Photo by Helena Lopes on

We cannot choose our friends.

Friendship is a linking

between a heart

and a heart.

Not a liking because

but a liking despite.

A ready embrace regardless

of who, with whomever anywhere anytime.

A recognition and a response regardless

of whatever had

for whenever.

Because the link, if true, stays.

Forgotten for a while, maybe.

But stays.

Because, just because,

we dared to be honest

that a link is forging.

(23 September 1995, Bacolod City)

The Credenda

I first read this charming little book, called The Gift of Acabar by Og Mandino and Buddy Kaye, some 37 years ago. That’s where The Credenda is found, a packet of wisdom.

If you haven’t read it, you won’t regret if you try and look for a copy. It’s just a short read and I hope you still have the child in you to allow you a tear or two as you get inside the story, of a friendship between a boy and a star.

I post The Credenda now to say THANK YOU to the inspiration and encouragement it has brought me along my journeys. May it also bring you lightness today as you read or re-read it.

Take care!

The Credenda

Turn away from the crowd and its fruitless pursuit of fame and gold.
Never look back as you close your door to the sorry tumult of greed and ambition.
Wipe away your tears of failure and misfortune.
Be at peace. Already it is later than you think, for your earthly life, at best, is only the blink of an eye between two eternities.
Be unafraid. Nothing here can harm you except yourself.
Do that which you dread and cherish those victories with pride.
Concentrate your energy. To be everywhere is to be nowhere.
Be jealous of your time, since it is your greatest treasure.
Reconsider your goals. Before you set your heart too much on anything, examine how happy they are who already possess what you desire.
Love your family and count your blessings. Reflect on how eagerly they would be sought if you did not have them.
Put aside your impossible dreams and complete the task at hand no matter how distasteful. All great achievements come from working and waiting.
Be patient. God’s delays are never God’s denials. Hold on. Hold fast.
What you sow, good or evil, that you will reap.
Never blame your conditions on others. You are what you are through your choice alone.
Learn to live with honest poverty, if you must, and turn to more important matters than transporting gold to your grave.
Anxiety is the rust of life; when you add tomorrow’s burdens to today’s their weight becomes unbearable.
Always learn from others. He who teaches himself has a fool for a master.
Be careful. Do not overload your conscience. Conduct your life as if it were spent in an arena filled with tattlers.
Avoid boasting. If you see anything in you that puffs you up with pride look closer and you will find more than enough to make you humble.
Be wise. Realize that all people are not created equal, for there is no equality in nature, yet no one was ever born whose work was not born with him or her.
Work every day as if it were your first, yet tenderly treat the lives you touch as if they will all end at midnight.
Seek out those in need. Learn that he or she who delivers with one hand will always gather with two.
Be of good cheer. Above all, remember that very little is needed to make a happy life.
Look up. Reach out. Cling simply to God and journey quietly on your pathway to forever with charity and a smile.

Please feel free to download. Photo is by Elliott Engelmann (thanks!).
Please feel free to download. Photo is by Simon Berger (thanks!).